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Very impressive

This was really an impressive first flash man,not only was it 14 minutes long but the story was original and great and the fight scenes we're really entertaining too also the whole style of the flash having a Mario robot in the mix was neat too,this was truely a Mario sprite flash that should be watched more then it has been and in my opinion very underrated with the score,i wish you the best in your future endevors and hope you make many more sprite flashes in the future,soon you might even come to be one of the elite sprite flash artists on Newgrounds if you keep up the great work and hard effort and i truely mean that or i wouldn't be making this hell of a long review about it.

Very nice Mario parody.

Glad to see you used Gameboy Advance Mario sprites for this flash and the idea and plot for it was original and funny too about him and his hammer also good song to go with it too,overall it was really enjoyable and any sprite lover would enjoy this,great job rookie and hope to see much more from you in the future. :)

A great improvement.

I like the idea of having a little game to play while waiting for the load (for some odd reason it loaded slower then normally a 3MB file would on my computer so luckily you threw that game in there.

As for the actual flash awesome intro and i respect the fact you animated the whole things which wasn't no short flash to say the least and this one was much much funnier too i have to say a good 3/4ths of the whole thing i got many laughs from so needless to say this was a major upgrade from the last one,excellent job and keep on improving. :)

BurningBunnies responds:

Why thank you kind sir!


The idea was funny as hell but the flash wasn't made that well with the subpar animation though it was short and to the point that was the only flaw i saw with it,still a decent flash.

Monkeyshizznick responds:

Have you ever seen the Above the Influence commercials???

This is a parody of those...

Not that impressive.

The animation was decent but the voice acting was bad the volume was low and the story was pretty boring too,it could have been a lot better.

Well done.

That was pretty impressive,excellent quality and the lip syncing was flawless the voice acting was great too though it really wasn't too funny but still made very well.


Started out pretty solid but then you had to be silly and throw in that silly looking clown face with very loud noise too,not cool and put more effort then that in your flash next time.

MarlboroLock responds:

haha yeah probably

Entertaining and original.

I love the idea of the flash having a muscle bird as the main character,the story was pretty out there too and the animation was pretty amazing too,overall an excellent flash.

Quite original.

That was pretty good and i never seen the game Alex Kidd but from this flash it looks like a pretty cool game and as for this flash it was solid and made really well.

Age 36, Male

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