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Haha good stuff.

Indeed this is the longest episode so far and i loved the idea for it having it based on a movie for Batboy and all the different character designs was pretty special too,this probably is the episode with the most effort put into it with the length and all the different character styles so i give you many props for making this. =)

Not your normal episode.

Very different then the others with the plot and them traveling to alaska for oil and then how things progressed from there it was a bit odd but still a great episode and i like how Death had a big role in this episode too,great job. =)

Gotta love Pirate Snake.

I notice the animation had a big upgrade in detail with this episode but i don't understand why you changed Batboy so much cause with the way he used to be it fit his character personality perfectly oh well still looks nice,the plot of this episode was really entertaining though it didn't have that great of an end still a good episode.

Haha great stuff.

Gotta love Christmas editions and this was a really good one,not only did it have a great plot behind it but it introduced a couple of new characters too in Death and the mermaid Callisto which we're quite that characters to say the least,excellent job my good man this series just keeps on getting better and better.

Best episode yet.

The story was funny as hell how everything went down with the partying and getting Batboy drunk and Eduardo going to prison,i gotta say that Eduardo is my favorite character of them all but Batboy is a close second,you did a great job on this.


The whole character design is truely tripped out but funny as hell with the whole fascination with frogs and butts,this wasn't as long as the other two episodes but still just as funny and enjoyable. =)

Funny as hell.

It did start off slow but once it settled in the jokes started to come up i really liked it then especially when Eduardo got turned into a carrot then called the door police,funny stuff and very enjoyable. ^_^

Quite humorous.

This was indeed silly as hell with the plot and other antics that went on with the "Fuck Pandas" group i got a lot of laughs from this episode especially with Snake,defenetly a great start to what looks like a great series here on Newgrounds.

Quite different.

It's nice and original to see a commercial style flash here and i didn't expect it to be like that at first with that speech along the vast desert which by the way was animated extraordinary amazing i wish it could have gone longer but what you brought to the table was still great enough to get yourself a 10 from me. =)

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


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