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A swell Awesome flash.

I haven't played "Assassin's Creed" so i probably didn't get as much laughs as i would have if i played the game but for an "Awesome" style flash it looked & sounded really good and i still got a lot of laughs along the way,nice job.


Awesome flash here with the dark style animation and fast pace also way to utilize the Invader Zim theme and though it was short the most amazing thing i find about your flashes is the difference in all of them that you know you will always get something new and cool when you watch one of your flash movies,great job on this one and keep up the great work. =)

What a trip

This was great seeing all the crazy looking animated men take the real life guy and turn him into an animated character as well,the music went well with the video and i couldn't stop laughing about how crazy that animated guy looked it was quite humorous and overall the flash was very enjoyable.

Loved it.

This was funny as hell seeing the teeth talk so casual like and then a surprise seeing the tounge & uvula spit out a message as well then the end with the Solid Snake tooth it all fit perfectly and was hilarous,great job.


I loved this so much the way the Grim Reaper was talking his dialogue was so witty and funny it was so good and it was pulled off so well especially the voice acting,this was fantastic. =D

So evil

That Reaper is one son of a bitch haha it was a trip to see him mess with so many people in the afterlife i got a kick out of all the things he said,great job. =)


This was fantastic,the voice acting to go with the witty dialogue was great and entertaining to watch,animation was solid and overall i really enjoyed watching this. =)


Honestly i didn't understand the flash at all so i didn't get much laughs out of it but it did have a catchy theme to it and some nice animation to go with it so it was still a swell flash to watch but if i knew about politics more i would have probably gotten some laughs from this.

Funny stuff.

I enjoyed this original Street Fighter style flash,i liked all the different characters that we're in this flash and the storyline that went with it and it had a lot of funny moments to it along with some great voice acting too,animation was all around solid but had it's very impressive moments,overall i loved this flash and enjoyed it even more cause it's rare to see such an original flash with Street Fighter involved,excellent job.

FutureCopLGF responds:

Heheheh, thanks for the all-around praise, I'll be sure to keep up all the facets of my flash equally.


This is the most random Mario flash i ever seen and i loved every second of it,this made me laugh so much it was ridiculous excellent job on the insane randomness man. =D

nicksoul responds:

I love it!!
Luigi and Mario rock's

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


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