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Needs a little improvement.

This was a decent Naruto flash,the text box seemed out of place and plain with the black background and colored text,as for the fight it wasn't too impressive and the sprite resolutions were too small for my taste but the background looked great and the sound effects sounded good too and it was a long fight so overall it wasn't a great Naruto flash but you did put effort in it and it was a nice try.

It lasted a while.

I got a kick out of this Naruto flash,the animation wasn't great but the idea of having a bunch of different musical scenes featuring Naruto characters was funny as hell and it lasted a long time too but my favorite part was the Bohemian Rhapsody scene,overall this was a great Naruto flash.

Cool flash

I am glad to find a flash like this which is just like the infamous Rockman Neo flash except without all the awesome animation and fast pace but it featured Naruto which was nice and overall it was a great flash,nice job.


This wasn't good at all,the animation looked bad with the lack of detail and the voice acting was scratchy plus the concept of it was stupid and had no creativity whatsoever,try harder next time.

Looking forward to it.

This was a pretty good Naruto flash trailer you made,i loved the fast pace it had and by the looks of this trailer the full flash looks to have great promise so keep up the great work.

Not too bad

This was a decent Naruto parody flash,the idea of having a Naruto parody video to a Dane Cook audio skit was good but the animation didn't look that great to make this any funnier than it already was but i still got a couple of good laughs from it so overall it was a decent parody but needs better animation.

Great job

This was a pretty sweet fight between Neji & Rock Lee,the buildup was good and the pace was really fast i also like how it was close up to the screen plus having each others super moves was a nice touch too,overall i found this fight to be entertaining and fun to watch.

Good fight

This was a solid Naruto flash featuring a fight between Naruto & Rock Lee,the moves were cool and the fight was pretty entertaining and had a good quick pace to it and it got faster as the fight went longer also i like how other characters were involved a little bit too,overall i enjoyed this and think you did a good job on it.

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


Joined on 9/16/02

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