
6,824 Movie Reviews

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202 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

Nice Inuyasha flash

It's rare that i see an Inuyasha flash on Newgrounds but this was a real good one,the animation was great with the solid character designs and the voice acting sounded great as well,i got a couple of good laughs from this and overall it was just a cute Halloween flash that was very enjoyable.

Cool music video

It's not often i see a One Piece flash especially an original one such as this,i loved the music video concept of Luffy going around doing crazy things on pirate ships and the song was catchy as well,overall it was don very well and i think you did a great job on it.

A good first flash

This was quite good for a first flash movie so kudos for that,there wasn't much animation involved with it just being cutouts of the actual show but the syncing was great with the song and it was pretty humorous seeing them sing that goofy song,overall this wasn't too bad so keep up the good work.

Great stick flash

This was quite impressive for a stick flash,the fast pace was outstanding on both the sticks and the animated scenes,the moves were cool also it was a nice touch on the music and overall the fight was very entertaining to watch.

Haha ugh...

I suppose you could consider this silly but i have a couple of other words in mind for this but either way if you are into seeing Naruto character animated in drag then this flash is for you but i did get a laugh out of this but did i enjoy it,no.

Nice Naruto flash short

This was a cute little Naruto flash,the animation wasn't great but the idea of it was cute with the Candy Girl song and it had it's moments of cuteness but overall it needed better animation and the flash a little longer would have been nice but it was good for as long as it lasted.

Hilarious Naruto short

I got to say that you pin pointed the most annoying yet funny message in Naruto in Naruto's "Believe It!" message which only lasted the first few episodes but he said it so much that it stuck with you and made you want to rip your hair out,i laughed my ass off seeing Kakashi go crazy hearing "Believe It!" and knock Naruto out,the animation was great and overall i got one great laugh from this so i'll give you a 10 for great justice.


It was interesting seeing how you made the Double Dragon brothers like Naruto & Sasuke with the fighting which the fight was very entertaining to watch with it's high pace and creative moves though some music would have been nice to go with the fight,the script was good and overall i enjoyed this very much.

Some good,some bad

This was a great Naruto parody though it did have it's flaws,the animation couldn't have been any better in my opinion at least it's the best animation i've seen in any Naruto flash yet though mainly i am referring to the character design but sadly the voice acting was terrible i could barely understand what they were saying and the subtitles were no better since the text was small and green so i couldn't read some messages clearly but though this flash did have it's flaws i did get some laughs and it looked great so overall you did a good job on this Naruto parody.

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


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