An ancient flash.
This was probably the shit back in 2001 and even though it is totally outclassed by today's standards in sprite flashes i still got a cheap laugh from it.
An ancient flash.
This was probably the shit back in 2001 and even though it is totally outclassed by today's standards in sprite flashes i still got a cheap laugh from it.
I’m gonna kill myself
Billy didn't get paid. :(
Ended on a pretty dull note with Abobo getting shot by Robocop and wasn't able to pay Jimmy but it was still pretty funny regardless but out of your three Double Dragon parodies this is the worst but still decent work.
Very odd indeed but good for a cheap laugh though i believe this is still underrated even though it was short and tasteless.
Happy 20th episode.
The way Tom gave it to Wade was hilarous bringing up bad times and then finding his shit stained shorts i was laughing my ass off and then when Wade hit it off with Doc Brown that was also funny as hell,overall this was one of the best episodes overall in the series and was very enjoyable. =)
A good arguement.
It is interesting with the holding in a sneeze thing and it had a funny story behind it with Wade getting hit in the car,nothing huge really but still a good simple edition of this great series on Newgrounds. :)
Nice difference.
Cool to see a behind the scenes style of the series with the actual creators and having O.J Simpson and Donald Trump was funny as hell as was the entire flash,good job.
Silly Wade.
That was a really good and funny episode with Wade and his big socks then getting made fun of it i also liked the little Seinfield skits throughout the flash and the ending with Jon Lovitz was hilarous,good jon.
Great Halloween episode.
Nice story behind it i liked the black and white screening and spooky style with it and once again good ol O.J Simpson makes a funny appearence,you really notice the upgrades from way back to the Halloween episode of 2006 to this one.
Great episode.
An awesome plot behind it with a good amount of funny jokes i especially loved when O.J Simpson came in from nowhere,great job.
Good job.
Funny to see some dialogue on the preloader between Tom and Wade,as for the flash itself i liked the story on this one nearly as much as the first one and was just as funny especially when Wade dreamed about tacos,great job.
Age 36, Male
R & J Produce
Joined on 9/16/02