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202 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

What a find.

Considering the last review was made in 2005 i'd say i made a really good discovery here for i really enjoyed this Yoshi's Island parody,the plot behind it was good with Yoshi going back in time to kill Mario when he was a baby and had a couple of funny moments in it along with one hilarous ending,hope it gets on the Mario collection page so others can enjoy it as well. :)

It wasn't crap whether you say it was or not.

I got a pretty good laugh from this just watching them doing that silly dance and it was made quite well too and had good music behind it,you should give yourself more credit then just calling it crap cause i thought it was decent.

Bloody good.

Yeah it was short and cut off through like half the fight but it's great to see Double Dragon getting bloody and brutal like it was shown in this flash and it was actually a pretty good fight too and i like how you used the Gameboy Advance sprites on this instead of the usual NES/SNES sprites,good job.

Probably the first Double Dragon parody on NG.

Considering how old this is i know this was probably great back then and considering the lack of Double Dragon parodies back then i'm sure this was a plesant surprise to watch in 2001.

Nice part 3.

Well with it being 5 years old i doubt it will be finished but still it was a nice practice series for your flash skills and glad to see you are even still around haha keep on keepin on with whatcha doin now a days good sir. =)


Glad to see you gave the text at least a black background so it was easier to read and the fighting was a bit longer though it still wasn't up to a prefered length it's still an improvement.

Not bad for a first.

It was a good start,the sprite movement had a good solid speed to it but if you was going to make a series out of this you could have made this a big longer and given out more of the storyline to let everyone who watched this know what was going on and the text could have been a little more creatively made but none the less it's a good start and congrats for the underdog of the week.

Nice short.

I mainly liked it for the simple fact that it was Bionic Commando and there is barely any Bionic Commando parodies on Newgrounds and this was made quite well and even though it really wasn't that funny i still liked it a good deal.

Very nice.

Yeah it was short but that was about the only flaw to it because it was a great fight between Billy and Abobo and i have yet to see a great legitimate flash with those two in a fight which was long overdue,i was impressed with the quickness of the sprites and the fighting moves,great job.

Abobo owns.

That was a sweet little intro for Abobo i like the way his name popped up in big letters and then having him smash others to the Kane theme it all came together quite well.

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