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Too funny

First of all wicked intro with "i'm your father" to your flash,as for the whole flash i had one huge laugh from it cause i don't remember seeing so much epic buildup with the hardcore music and the stance between Pico & the convict go to just one big funny when Pico shot him in the nute and his facial expression was priceless and it ended with a great moral too,you hit the punchline perfectly my good man so keep up the great work.

Hulalaoo responds:

your work are a inspiration for my, thanks

Not bad

This wasn't too bad of a flash short,the animation could had been better with the detail of the characters & layout but overall it was good for a cheap laugh seeing that goldfish scare the cat so it was pretty amusing,nice job.

FjChezz responds:


I liked it.

This was a solid flash short and it was nice to see something new & fresh from the TN crew,the animation was great as was the voice acting plus it had one hilarous ending which is all you want in a flash short such as this,great job to everyone who contributed to this.

Good stuff.

This was one hilarous episode of Weebl & Bob with all the special deliveries for Rockband that Weebl was getting especially the groupie set,overall it was a very enjoyable episode like always so i'm glad to see a new episode cause it has been a minute.

I liked it.

This was a cute little Mario parody and i like how it featured Boo in it cause i feel that he gets little love on most Mario parody flashes,the animation looked good with the style of flash this was and the quick movement so overall i found this to be quite entertaining and very much likable.


This was another cute & silly episode of Cat Face,i loved the story behind it with the old lady & Cat Face,the animation was as good as usual but i found this particular episode more unusual than usual and quite funnier,great job. =)


First of all i got to say i liked the loading screen very much even if it didn't have much to it just something about it i liked,as for the actual flash it was nice to see a Chrono Trigger flash not in sprite form,nothing against sprite flashes cause i love them but it was great to see a Chrono Trigger flash hand drawn and very impressively too,all the music you had here was all a great choice and fit each scene perfectly also all the action was very entertaining to watch with it's fast pace and all the techs too,overall this was an awesome Chrono Trigger flash and i would love to see much more from you such as this,excellent job. =)

I loved it.

This was just a too cool Zelda parody that went straight to the point,this showed how completely annoying that Navi was in Ocarina of Time in a very funny way with Link taking a shotgun to Navi,the animation was fantastic and was quite impressive so keep up the great work and i hope to see more work from you in the future. =)

ArtistGamerGal responds:

Thank you so much! I'm working on a new Zelda parody so be sure to check that out- should be done around the end of summer- thanks again for the feedback!

Not bad

This was pretty good for a beginner,the animation wasn't fantastic but with the way you put the sound effects and the concept of the flash it was pretty funny and overall a nice flash short so keep up the good work.

RecD responds:


Long ones are soon to come.

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


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