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This was pretty interesting with you being in a video style game with the way the mouse was dragging different things around so the idea was quite creative and overall it was fun to watch while you solved all those different clues,overall you did a swell job on this little project of yours.


This was one really cool flash,i loved the animation and all the different graphic visual effects to go with it plus the techno song that went with it all fit perfectly and it all synced out very nicely,overall i really enjoyed this flash and i think you did a fantastic job on it.

As dirty as it gets.

I never would have expected a parody of Tyson's daughter's treadmill accident so soon and by you two in altr & PG but it was quite funny and the sound effects we're perfect,hilarous parody guys and i guess Tyson shouldn't have been gambling up in Vegas at the time.

Good stuff Luis.

This little flash short of yours was quite silly with the concept but the animation was fantastic as was the voice acting and i got a pretty good laugh when the guy was trying to figure out what to name the new Madness flash,overall i thought it was a solid flash short.


This was random as all hell and i loved every second of it with all it's insanity,the animation was great and the ideas of it all was just too funny,you did a great job with the insane flash video.


I was quite surprised from this flash for i would have never expected a Pokemon flash to look this good on an animation stand point cause the animation was spectacular and i enjoyed watching it very much with all the action,the song was also very cool and fit the flash video very well so overall this far exceeded my expectations and i think you did a fantastic job.

I love Skullhead. ^_^

This was another great episode of Skullhead,it was great to see that it was a Halloween episode and there was a lot of funny moments like the rabbit in the blender and the spider trying to revive the rabbit,this was probably the longest episode of Skullhead but it was indeed one of the best,great job.


I never thought i would see another Pencilmation flash from you considering how long it's been since the last one but it's great to see that you have indeed made a third Pencilmation flash and this one was fantastic if not better than the previous two with it's amazingly smooth framerate and humorous antics with all the different characters,the music fit the video very well and overall i enjoyed this Pencilmation very much i just hope you will make a fourth within the year. =P

Very creative.

This was a very good flash,the script was fantastic with it's deep depth in vocabulary and the animation looked very good as well also the voice acting was excellent,as for the end it was a huge twist with the guy talking all pimpin so it was a great punchline there,overall i enjoyed this flash very much so keep up the great work and i hope the second episode will be just as good if not better. =)

Very creative & funny.

This was very entertaining to watch,the animation was fantastic with the characters' facial expressions and the idea of the flash was very creative with the war and all the arrows landing in their mouths and then everyone cheers and eats the doritos,overall this was an outstanding commercial style flash with a lot of creativeness.

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


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