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Amazing action scenes.

This was a sweet episode with the fantastic fight between Chun-Li & Cammy i like the fact that a lot of the moves we're well defended and it just seemed that every hit was well earned and made for a better fight and the same way goes for Guile though he basically just beat the hell out of Cammy,as for the story so far it's getting really good though it's mainly just action which is cool cause the action has been fantastic also it was a nice surprise to see Terry from SNK in the video,overall i really enjoyed this and all the fights this had to offer so keep up the great work. =)

TechLeSSWaYz responds:

thank you sir ^ ^

Looks bad but i found it hilarous.

I got a good laugh from this sillyness of a 2003 Clock flash,the idea of the clocks fighting against Fei Long is funny in itself but the execution of the moves made it even funnier with the choppy framerate and the script with Strawberry Clock & Fei Long,overall though most would think this is a bad flash to today's standards i still got some good laughs from this.

A great music video.

This was pretty creative with the song and the video that went with it had a lot of funny moments plus it went great with the song,the animation looked really good as well so overall this was a swell Street Fighter music video to watch.

I liked it.

I got a real kick out of this Street Fighter parody,the animation was great especially Ryu's design and the concept was funny with Ryu trying to get a soda from the vending machine and when it didn't come out he went to go destroy it and the facial expressions he gave off was just hilarous,sorry this got rejected from the collab but it still makes for a solid solo flash short. =)

Funny stuff

This was just silly,the audio was hilarous and the concept of the flash was funny as well but the one problem with it is that you couldn't tell who was saying what with there not being any subtitles or any indication of who was speaking but other than that it was good and worth watching for a laugh.

It was good.

This wasn't too bad for a first flash,the framerate was a little sloppy at times but also pretty well done at times as well so i suppose it was just inconsistent,some of the moves we're kind of funny as well such as Ryu & Liu Kang getting blown away so bluntly,it was swell that the video lasted really long so that's a plus and overall though it wasn't fantastic this sprite fight flash was good for a first time flash so keep up the good work and keep on improving. =)

Weird but funny.

This was quite the odd flash with the characters being a boy and his recently pulled tooth and then them going to fight crime was funny as hell,i'm not sure what language they we're speaking but at least it had english subtitles so that's a plus,overall i got a good kick out of this flash and i think you did a swell job.

Just plain silly

This didn't make much sense but for some odd reason i got a good laugh out of it due to the fact of the silly facial expression from that guy and the music that went with it,overall it was a joke i didn't understand but it was still worth watching for a mystery laugh.

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


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