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A sweet end.

That was pretty ironic how it kept ending up as someone elses Clock Day flash movie i thought that was pretty creative along with the character Fry lock (like Frylock from Aqua Teen Hunger Force) a very interesting and creative flash here and very good for it being made in just a few hours.

OvenGloves responds:

gracias por las amables palabras, but yeah, i was thinking of making the end perpetual but then i decided not to.

Impossible! :P

Kidney Clock is not the king and he will never be haha but it was a funny idea and good distortion for the screen across the portal.

harryjarry responds:

Not even for a second? :(

Well deserved awards. :)

It's great to see more cartoon style flashes on Newgrounds it's just amazing to see how far flash has come over the years,very impressive and excellent job.

KrystalGeorgiou responds:

Haha thansk.. this one isn't actually flash though! It was animated traditionally.

A funny philosphy.

I liked that story on how Strawberry Clock became the King of the Portal,the dialogue to it was very solid also i really loved the style of text you used,the only thing i didn't like is the music cause it got so repepetive it started giving me a headache,everything else was all good. :)

Kyora-Mishiso responds:

Yah, the music does get annoying after a while.

Haha that was crazy.

Sir Clock is truely a crazy bastard at least in this flash he was,there was a lot of funny stuff in this flash and some nice voice acting (weird for a clock flash) along with great smooth animation also it was pretty lengthy too,overall great job. :)

Creatus responds:

Thanks kindly

Silly clock short.

Very well made on the animation but there really wasn't much of a point to the flash or at least i didn't get it and it wasn't that funny either,not a bad job but not good either.

BritClock responds:

More than a milk, not quite a milkshake, y'know what I mean?


So many flaws on this is wasn't even funny,the sound quality was terrible along with the animation also the idea was pretty dumb too,have more effort then that next time.

PaperClipClock responds:


I liked it very much. :)

I'm pretty impressed with you as a 14 year old what you was able to do with not so great animating skills but you had a lot of great ideas and a funny plot to put in it to make this a really good Clock Day flash also i loved the dialogue with what Strawberry Clock said and how he said it and you gave him his real official voice too,you should be proud of yourself. :)

Imacow responds:

Yeah, I made this last year. The animation was crap but I still find it funny. Hopfully I'll make something for 08.

Looks promising.

I can't wait till the real thing comes out i wonder what style you will use for the battles and what not and what's a strange twist is having Arek in the flash when he wasn't in either of the two games but was talked about,best of luck goes to you on trying to make the first (probably the first) great Lufia flash series.

MaximsLegacy responds:

Thanks for the review! I'm glad to see that there are Lufia fans on newgrounds. I'll try my best not to let everyone down. Before I get into the actiony parts (such as battles with the sinistrals) I may take a look at a few more tutorials, and maybe take a class first. Thanks for the review!

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