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Much better

This was better than the previous episode,the animation looked just as good but the framerate was much quicker than before and the script was hilarous as was the voice acting also the quality was much better too,overall you this better tenfold compared to the last episode.

Not bad

This was a decent ninja flash,i loved the 3D animation but the action was a bit slow paced and there wasn't much to it also the voice acting quality was bad but the flash did have some funny moments as well so overall it wasn't great but it wasn't bad either.


This ninja flash was outstanding,the animation was fantastic with it's great detail and the one-on-one battle was very entertaining i loved that it was dark and then it started raining i was somewhat disappointed that it ended so quickly but for as long as it lasted i was quite impressed with it.

Great work.

This was quite the interesting flash,the animation was very stylish and the story that went with it was great as well,i wasn't too much a fan of the music but it seemed to fit the flash pretty well so overall i was fascinated with this flash of yours and i enjoyed it very much.

Awesome flash

This flash had many funny moments whether it was Nam driving in a death machine killing all around him with a Budda statue strapped to the roof of his death machine,also there were some randomness to go with it such as the drive-thru guy in the Wendy's,the animation wasn't great but it did play into the humor such as the voice acting too,overall i enjoyed this crazy little flash very much.

Nice job

This was a swell sequel in this series,i loved the beginning with Michael Buffer announcing and i also like how you don't have to press the button to go through the text and it goes by at a reasonable pace,as for the animation it wasn't too much better than the previous episode but the action was a whole lot better & funnier too i especially got a kick out of the different modes such as "DBZ mode" & "Sword mode",overall i found this episode to be funnier than the previous one so at least there is improvements on this one. =)

Funny stuff

This was so silly,the animation wasn't anything special but the script was funny as hell and there were so many humorous parts in this stick ninja flash such as the Indiana Jones reference,overall i thought this was a good start to this little series of yours but the one thing that needs improvement is the animation and it's detail but other than that i enjoyed it.


This was pretty epic and very fun to watch,i loved the animation style of it and the action was fantastic also the music made it that much better,as the fight progressed it got better & better especially when the main guy's eyes turned red,overall i enjoyed this flash very much.

Loved it

This was too funny,i loved the advertisment concept of it with it being about a pill to increase your "Samurainess" and the voice acting of the chinese man was hilarous too,i enjoyed this very much especially the end.

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


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