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Nowhere near as good as your other flashes.

No offense but in my opinion this is the poorest flash you have made,the animation was bad with the lack of detail with the character design and the background wasn't even animated,the voice acting was annoying also with the inconsistent volume from being low at one point then screaming high the next and i really didn't find this funny whatsoever,i understand that this is one of your first flashes and you had to start somewhere which is why i'm not going to give you a bad score but i suppose i'm just spoiled with your other great flashes that just blows this out of the water,nice try none the less.


This was an a really good flash,the animation looked very good and the voice acting was fantastic,the concept of the flash was really silly and though it was short and didn't make much sense i still got a good laugh through it all but in my opinion this wasn't as good as your other flash projects but it was still a great flash.

That fly was a trip.

This Baka-san flash was just plain silly with him trying his best to kill one simple fly especially trying to cut him with the katana was hilarous when he ended up cutting the big stand and it toppling over him which by the way looked really awesome with the 3D effect it seemed to have also as for the end message it wasn't quite as funny as the previous messages but it stayed true to the moral of this flash short.


This was another hilarous flash short of Baka-san,seeing him boxing that slab of meat was hilarous then getting hit by it,the sound effects were vibrant and sounded very good also the design for the giant bull looked great too and it ended with a good big laugh with the saying "Be culturally sensitive--when beat meat",you did another great job on this Baka-san flash Cid.

Short but very sweet

This was wicked good,the animation was fantastic especially with the smooth & fast framerate also it had a lot of ridiculous funnies to go with it like when Baka-san was playing whack-a-mole and then riding the donkey also the ending message was funny as hell,overall this was a short but very sweet ninja flash that i liked very much.

Great stuff

It's been a while since i seen a legit Metal Slug flash but this was indeed one and you did a great job making it,you gave it a great story that seemed to fit Metal Slug very well and the script was excellent as well with all the characters having their lines,as for the action it was very Metal Slug like with all the explosions and the fast pace of it all also the whole soundtrack fit very well throughout the flash so overall this was one epic Metal Slug flash that i enjoyed very much i'm happy to see people are still making Metal Slug flashes and i hope to see much more from you in the future whether it be another Metal Slug flash or a different sprite flash altogether so best of luck to you on your future flash projects. =)

I sure did enjoy this collab.

This was a fantastic Double Dragon collab,there was a good variety of different styles of animation whether it was sprites or hand drawn it was all good and fit great together,the song though i couldn't understand it it seemed to fit well with the whole flash,overall i enjoyed this very much and i believe it to be the greatest Double Dragon flash here on Newgrounds in my opinion so everyone who was involved with this fantastic collab should give themselves a pat on the back for doing a great job.

Loved it.

I'm happy to see someone made an flash that was dedicated to the great game in Ninja Gaiden and not just a sprite flash but an actual fully animated flash,the animation was spectacular with the fantastic detail of the character design and the layout of the background,the sound effects were also really good along with the voice acting though it would have been nice to have subtitles but honestly it wasn't going at a fast pace with the talking so subtitles weren't really needed but overall this was a fantastic start to what looks to be a very promising series.


This was a cool little flash loop,the animation had a cute style to it with the character design and matching background,the loop itself was pretty weird with the turtle eating a block of cheese then growing a crown but overall you did a fine job on this flash loop of yours.


This was a solid Christmas flash from you Wonchop,the script was great and had many funny lines in it also i'm happy to see so many original characters in this flash with all that you want in a character which is great design,voice acting & personality,i also like that this flash was a lot longer than your usual flash length so i enjoyed it very much. =)

Age 36, Male

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