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Cool flash

This was one crazy flash you made here,the animation didn't look outstanding but good and i got a kick out of when the guy ripped open his head and it turned into a balloon,overall i enjoyed this flash very much.

Great job

Indeed i did like this flash,the animation looked very good with the rain and all the power lines,the music went very well with the video too and overall i loved the style of this even if it had no plot it was still neat to watch.

I liked it

This was a nice flash you made here,the animation was great as was the music and the concept of it was a bit sad with the tree but the message that it sent was creative about how the tree will always come back,overall this was a solid flash that i enjoyed very much.


This was quite the twisted flash,seeing the guy's wife hanging then leaving like nothing was crazy and it got only crazier when the head of a dog was talking to the guy,the sound effects sounded great and went a long way to add to the creepiness,overall i think you did a great job on this twisted flash of yours.

Nice work

This was one weird flash,the animation looked good but the voice acting was fantastic,the concept of it was pretty weird about the guy going into an unknown world,overall i liked this flash very much and think you did a good job on it.

Cool flash

This was one crazy flash,the animation was fantastic especially the creature design of the bears when they started freaking out that was a trip,overall i liked this dark style flash very much.

Comick responds:

Thanks Molotov :) Glad you liked it


This was one crazy flash,i absolutely loved the voice acting it fit the dark style very well,the animation was also really good with the dark atmosphere so overall this had me pretty freaked out but was still hella cool,great job.


This was one psychotic flash you made here,the voice acting was outstanding and fit the dark style to perfection with both the head with no body and the guy who had crosses for eyes,the animation was creepy & great so overall this flash was quite scary but very enjoyable as well.

Quite evil

This was one creepy flash,the concept of it about a kid going to a mad dentist was cool but with all the different dark animations this had to offer it was very freaky & scary,overall you did an excellent job making this dark flash.

Too many lols

This was one crazy random flash of different things just getting spewed out but i must say almost every skit gave me a good laugh,the animation looked great for the style of flash it was and overall i got some many laughs it was ridiculous so i think you did an excellent job thinking of something like this and executing it to perfection.

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


Joined on 9/16/02

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