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Excellent collab. =D

This collab was so great i had to review all 4 of you sepretly.

Quimera - Wow,a hand drawn (and very well i mind you) Mike Tyson's Punch-Out skit which is real impressive and a first i've ever seen,i really enjoyed it with it being like a Rocky monatage,it was so good i would have expected it to be just a single flash alone with a score of about 3.80,excellent work.

Boe - Lmao i haven't seen such a great and hilarous Kung Fu sprite flash since Ironclaw's of Kung Fu,i loved it how it was a movie plot cause i could imagine a parody of Bruce Lee doing that to the enemy,it also had great up close sprite animation and good voice acting,great edition to this great collab. =)

Nalo - The main thing i liked about this one was the animation and the style of it and i thought Mario looked funny with baggy overalls,it was pretty short but great none the less.

Keicho - The one with the sweet and juicy action of a hand drawn Zelda flash was an excellent addition to this collab even though it wasn't too long i still really enjoyed it,the animation was really good and smooth with the fight against good ol kobalds. =)

Overall you 4 did an excellent job on this collab and i really enjoyed all 4 flashes. =)

Decent little short.

The one thing that kinda annoyed me about this flash was how the old man with the cane's voice was so quiet and then when he cussed the censor was so damn loud but when i got to hear what he was saying while dealing with the loud piercing censor i got a good laugh from it plus his voice was funny and the animation was quite good and smooth.

Overall i got a good laugh from it but you need to turn down the volume on the censor noise.


Well that was quite interesting from seeing unexpectedly the first Mario flash with the X-Naut legion in it (XD).

At first it started kinda slow but had a lot of funny random mario one liners.

The second part was kinda tripped out with the video file of the beach and mario and enemies we're on it which was nicely done but the video file had not so good quality but good enough.

As for the X-Nauts you got their personality dead on (at least Lord Crump's) and their voices sound about how they would sound which was really cool but too bad Sir Grodus didn't make an apparence. =(

Overall i really enjoyed this and i hope this isn't the end of the series if it turns out to be a series. =)

MEKofTheMEKkingdom responds:

Yeah, the camera is only good at taking still shots, not videoing.
Sir Grodus was set to make an appearance, only that I can't draw him at the moment, he may appear in the next one, if indeed people want me to do other one, these reviews are so very hatful half of the time! Thanks for the understanding review.

Well it's kinda stupid.

The animation was poorly done,it had a stupid to no plot,i got a small laugh from it but that's about it,better luck next time.

ForkClock responds:

well i know the animation still has much to be desired, since there really isnt much actual animation period. as far as plot goes, i was just trying to make a lil joke, not really anything epic. and i got EXACTLY what i wanted from you, a little laugh!! thanks for your very honest review. my future works will definitly have more of what you have mentioned.

One of the best sprite fights i ever seen.

This is truely amazing,it was a real badass fight and flash altogether,the animation was excellent as well as everything else,excellent job and i hope a part 3 comes out. =D


I thought it was gonna be pretty decent from the beginning but then it just got stupid and retarded with that old man and kid,the voices we're annoying and the whole flash had no real plot,better luck next time.

Funny short.

Even though it was pretty stupid i still got a good laugh from it mainly from that stupid dance the guy was doing,the animation was pretty impressive,not much else to say bout this flash except keep up the good work. =)

Short and sweet.

I liked it,it wasn't much and wasn't long at all but it was still funny,nice animation and good voice acting,overall great job.


It got kinda slow in the beginning but near the end is when it started getting hilarous,even though the animation was kinda poor i still got a lot of great laughs from this flash,the voices we're funny as well,great job.

Excellent short.

I really loved this toon,it had some amazing animation,great voice work and it was funny as hell,hope you make more soon. =D

Age 36, Male

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