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What in the hell lol.

That was insane,the song with the phone numbers was really phenomonal and the voice acting was really good and very well detailed,it also had a hilarous random humor to it,excellent job and big props for your friend for making that phone numbers song.

Gotta love that bird.

That was a really nice character addition cause he brings some humor in the series and also with it going great with the storyline as well and you couldn't do a better job on the voice acting for him either,the fight scene wasn't as long but was still really great,for some reason i didn't get much lag as expected and my computer isn't exactly new oh well i'm not complaining,i hope part 5 will be even more outstanding just like the previous ones kept on doing. =)

So much improvements!

Wow i know why it took a year to make and damn i'm sure it was worth it (good thing i waited till 4 of them came out to watch this series =P) but yeah your animation has improved drastically and it has an even more amazing storyline then i could have ever hoped for and it even starts out with a little prologue which is really kool,it also had better music in the fight scene as well and this episode really does explain a lot and it is so well detailed,the end was really great when he got that armor amazing artwork!

Badass fight scene.

But sadly that is all that was and not a very long one at that but the fight scene was still raw as hell and i loved the sound effects and the linkin park went decent enough,overall great job but i hope to see more of a storyline in the next part. =P

Wow that was a hell of a start.

So far i am like in love with this storyline even though the animation isn't perfect it seems to be like in the next parts it will be very badass,Excellent job!

lmao another funny.

That was crazy as hell but it did actually somehow brung up a point,it was great original Jerry Jackson material oh and good luck on working with Disney.

Too funny to give a bad score too.

Even though the animation is crap it's just too damn funny not to like especially the voice acting lmao you sure have made a name for yourself Jerry Jackson.

It's the truth!

The clock crew can make you do crazy shit like that those manipulators,excellent flash!

Funny monkey.

That was a funny DCK short,monkeys make it all the better,great job again. =D


That was a pretty funny V-Day flash,great animation for the characters and a funny storyline also great voice acting,great job again. =)

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


Joined on 9/16/02

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