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Not bad,not bad at all.

This was a good amateur sprite flash and it reminds me a lot of old school Mario/Luigi sprite flashes and this had a good length to it and the sprite action was pretty good (a bug or two but nothing major),i think you did a good job on this and just keep at it and you will be one of the greats someday. :)


I didn't quite get that but i still laughed a great deal at the end with Kirby being there and the animation was amazing. :)


I probably didn't understand most of it because i lack the spanish language but from what i seen it was pretty funny and it had really good animation and voice acting to it so i'll give you a good score. :)

Typical NGs humor on illwillpress. ^_^

I got a great laugh on this considering the topic and plus i have always been a fan of you RupeeClock,the ending was especially funny and i always get a laugh of small illwillpress bashing flashes (PureCarnage's for example =P),great job yet again by the great RupeeClock. :)

RupeeClock responds:

Yeah, it's a shame that PureCarnage is an anticlock ain't it?

I mean, that anti-foamy submission of his was great.


That was superb to say the least,amazing graphics and a beautiful singer and a slightly love story to go with it,i really loved this flash and i can tell a LOT of work has been put into this and that singer is simple amazing and fantastic,excellent job!

How original. :)

It was quite funny considering no one has ever made a Mario Bros. arcade spoof flash before and this was a very good one at that,there was a lot of funny skits and had some great sprite work done with it,i got a good laugh from this,great job. =)

I'm kind of dissappointed.

That was pretty lame if you ask me,the enemies wouldn't be asking questions or asking for you to surrender they would be gunning your ass and shoot to kill and the team went through them like they wasn't anything which was pretty damn boring cause the action was lame and i don't care for P.O.D throught the whole thing either,i just don't care for this series that much at all,i could see much effort but it's just pretty lame and boring. :(


It was pretty short even for a first part trilogy but it looked very nice but didn't really show much plot to it except for the beginning explanation but it's caught my eye and i'm gonna go check out part 2,nice job though.

Great storyline so far.

What a great first part to what looks like to be a very badass Metal Slug series,there was a lot of good action and an interesting plot to go with it and the sprite tweening was really good,it's been about 8 months or so since this was released and i hope you haven't given up on it. =)

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


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