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Too bad it was never finished. :(

With the end of this being said this follows along with the Crono Cross story about Schala which got me very interested in this but sad to say it's not nor will it probably ever will be finished but hopefully you start on it again cause it looked extremely good.

Pretty damn funny.

Loved the Benny Hill act of this CT spoof flash and the antics between the scenes like with the nuns and the guards having no climbing sprites was funny as hell too,the ending was also hilarous considering Crono could have done that all along,excellent CT spoof. :)

Lame tribute.

It had next to nothing to it,it was just Crono,Marle,Lucca,Frog and Robo (Where's Ayla?) running by some trees across a mountain side with Magus at the end standing on a mountain,the only thing good about this was the music and i can just listen to the on the OC music mix of Chrono Trigger,be more creative next time if you want to make a real Chrono Trigger tribute.

Quite funny.

The Angel/Devil part was pretty funny and had some good voice acting,the ending where he gives the necklace back was just funny random humor pretty much but i liked the ending where Crono takes it and trades it to Melchior for a Kids Bop CD haha and as for the HAcoreRD part that went a bit below the belt but i got a lot of laughs from that part cause it was true back in 2003,anyways good CT flash. :)


Even if this was made back in 2001 i would have thought this was crap then,bad movement of sprites and syncing was way off and it's just a little trailer that doesn't say anything that has to do with a storyline.

How crappy.

The screen resolution was really small and the frames seemed to skip and the animation was crap as well and it wasn't even much of a fight,lame. :(

Premo responds:

I did not make these submissions, which makes it not my fault they suck.
They belong to a friend of mine, who used to use this account.
I am thinking about getting into flash myself soon though, and believe me, i will not bother submitting it if isnt good.
I have enough truth to tell when a submission is total shit or not, even if its on my own account.
Anyway, youre somewhat of a flash legend on newgrounds, in your own respect, so, thanks for reviewing.

Very nice little trilogy.

I enjoyed all 3 parts,i loved the fights and the sprite work done to this and it wasn't spectacular but i give you credit,great job on a good CT trilogy. :)

Much better fight.

I thought the animation of the moves Flea was doing was pretty cool and overall this is a much better part and had some good improvements done to it.

Pretty good so far.

Nice little sprite fight,it isn't an original story but seems pretty good so i will watch part 2,nice job on it.

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


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