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Should send a message.

This goes out to all you who forget Clock Day then have only so long to submit a Clock Day flash and then you don't have time for it or to get it done but anyways a great short here and had somewhat of a funny end cause Strawberry Clock never showed up haha don't know why i found that funny i just did.

Haha i liked it.

Pretty sweet clock short here and it's funny to see it's a remake of the Fairly Oddparents intro and really well made from it too,really well made and a swell job you did here. :)


A sweet war flash with clocks,well made though you didn't finish it it was still pretty entertaining.

Poor Sandbag. :(

What did Mr.Sandbag ever do to deserve this cruel punishment haha,well as for the flash it was very well made and pretty impressive and a lot of varity considering 9 flash artists we're in on this great piece,overall excellent job everybody.

That's pretty much it.

Not as funny as the "in a nutshell" series but still silly animation and funny dialogue and was really funny how it went along too,overall some good stuff.


I admit it was made pretty poorly from an animation point with the skippy frames but just the little things about it got me laughing like with the "pot leaf+kong = :)" then a hilarous ending to it,it's worth a watch for some humor.

Battletoads for the win.

Though there isn't many Battletoad parodies on Newgrounds this has to be the best one out there just cause of it's length and it was well made also you could choose between 4 events that happen as well also a good amount of funnies we're thrown in there too i loved the battle between the SNES Battletoads and the NES Battletoads truely epic,i'm just happy to see someone out there gives Battletoads the respect they deserve.

Gotta love that Game Genie.

That was a pretty interesting episode and Lester is quite the character too,it was really funny portraying the Game Genie like it was some kind of crack drug too and the high pace near the end was also a trip to watch and i don't remember there ever being a two-part episode in this series so nice add there,hopefully you don't leave it cliffhanging and wait another month for the next episode. :P

Not a good idea having a game like Tetris for this

Meatwad Sprite - I didn't get it really. =\

Nicholas Deary - Nice pixel like animation but not funny.

Supapeeves - Haha an unexpected "DIE!" is always funny. :P

Fede - Communist Tetris lmao hilarous idea but an animated explosion at the end would have been nice.

Rrool - Good quick animation for the faces and a decent Tetris short overall though it was really really short.

Mytypenguim - Made no sense and wasn't funny at all.

Neo Fusion - Good idea having a gigantic block crush all the other one,pretty funny.

I imagine it would be hard as hell having only one day to think of funny parodies to a game like Tetris so i give you guys the benefit of the doubt.

Age 36, Male

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