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Could have been better.

The idea was nice but the execution was poor,for the most part it was the same scene with Strawberry Clock (not that well designed either) standing there with his face moving up and down,think of more animating scenes for this Sparta remix song then submit that and see how you do.

Har Har. :P

That was a really funny Clock Day flash,the idea was very creative on how making a stupid Clock movie and showing it to those around you can get you highly dissed,solid animation and great voice acting too just an overall great job. :)

Not much of a rap.

The layout of the flash was pretty good and it was funny to hear Strawberry Clock blabber about voting 5 and whatnot but it didn't go well with the song that you added on here,a decent E-Card i suppose.

Poor Strawberry Clock. :(

It hurts to see Strawberry Clock die in any way but i couldn't help but to laugh at this with a well designed Strawberry Clock simply bouncing up (nice sound effect btw) then jumping and exploding it was funny and unexpected,swell job. :)

ToonCastleTV responds:

lolol thanks

Not terrible.

First of all the idea of Takeout Clock is quite funny,the flash didn't have much to offer in animating but the dialogue for Takeout Clock was pretty funny too and considering it was rushed it was decent just try to remember when Clock Day is next year. ;)


Very good animation for this little Clock Day E-Card i really loved the grass and Golden Clock dances and all to a silly song too,nice job.

Not a terrible intro.

Yeah it wasn't great but it wasn't terrible either,the speech was good but the animation needs a lot of work to it but i don't hold it against you since you are a flash rookie,i've seen a lot worse then this just for Clock Day 2007 alone and hey at least you tried and put some effort in.

Topcatyo responds:

I'm gonna let you in on a joke and you have to be sure not to tell anybody:

It's a fake intro and when I made this I had been using flash for around four years.

Haha that was really funny.

The plot was pretty creative too having a human in the Clock flash thinking that Cardboardbox clock was a car and then the scene with Strawberry Clock was just hilarous,i enjoyed this much. :)

CardboardBoxClock responds:

Thank you for the kind words.

I might be creating an even better clockday animation this year.

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


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