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Excellent first flash.

First of all one hilarous loading screen to start out with,as for the flash i thought it was pretty neat to have an everyday guy what happens for him during the day with music from the old NES games also it had great animation to it too,overall i enjoyed it.

Very good. :)

I was skeptical about the animation at first just for the simple fact that Dwarfinator Clock was starring in it and though a lot of Dwarfinator Clock flashes are funny they are bad in animation but this flash had both great qualites which was swell,not quite as random as i would have expect but still a really great Clock flash. ^_^

Topcatyo responds:

I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
Also, while Dwarfinator's animations do not have the best animation, it lends a special kind of charm to his movies not found in other movies.

That was pretty odd.

Quite a random Clock short but a mildly funny one,i really cracked up with the spinning bitch at the end.


That was pretty funny and even though the animation wasn't that good it still had a funny story behind it then a good old random ending,nice Clock short.

Excellent short.

This was too good with seeing Strawberry Clock get owned more then any other flash on this Clock Day 2007 on that big lashing out from the announcer guy,the idea was awesome and the execution made it great,excellent job man you put something really special up here. ^_^

Quite entertaining.

This Clock flash really had me into it when it came down to the storyline like it was a sitcom or something,the intro is what really got me into it with a big laugh after hearing the song then when i watched the whole thing i loved the story behind it and got a good amount of laughter throughout the whole thing with some really great animation too,excellent job my good man.

Way to hustle Strawberry Clock. ^_^

I loved every second of this flash,the way it started with the upbeat song and upbeat Strawberry Clock and then him demanding his juice and the animation really surprised me,overall excellent Clock Day short man if not the best of Clock Day 2007. ^_^

Imagine a real episode with these graphics.

Honestly if a real Blockhead episode was made with the style of graphics you used for this it was be the greatest and probably around 20MBs in size,i really enjoyed this Blockhead short and got a kick out of it,also i really liked the upgrade in animation i hope you keep on keeping on. :)

Age 36, Male

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