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Not bad.

You could use a lot of practice with the tweening due to the choppyness and it could have used more skits then just three but it's a good start and i gotta admit i really got a good laugh from that last skit with the portals,keep on practicing and good luck. =)

Heh,that was pretty good.

Yeah it wasn't perfect on the lip syncing but it was still good enough for this to be a really good quality flash with some really good animation,hope to see more soon. =)

Looks very promising.

I do love sprite flashes but i really love them when they have storylines and are longer then just one flash and this looks to be a really good one,a very interesting storyline so far,hope to see part two sometime soon,oh and by the way what was that song at the end it sounds so familiar and i can't think of what game it was from if you let me know that would be most appricative.

sleeeeep responds:

thanks for the review frien. and the song is from the nes game Silver surfer.

Too funny.

The idea of this flash is just plain hilarous and the execution of it was even better with the scenes of him building on his "manhood" this was very creative and well made to give everyone who knows about Iron Man a good laugh.


Gotta love the dancing cat clock and the idea of an Astronaut Bankrobber is just hilarous,nice job.

Quite funny.

I couldn't stop laughing at the character designs they we're so silly looking as was this flash,nice job.

Not too bad.

The animation wasn't that great but it did have a good amount of scenes and the song was really good,i wasn't really impressed but it was pretty enjoyable none the less.

Good and simple.

It might have been just a simple loop but it was a good efficient one for it had a great solid background and other Clocks strolling around the park,nice addition to Clock Day 2008. =)

Good and bad.

The animation and flash was pretty decent but there was no sound which really cuts it short,i liked the randomness though and it was pretty funny at least.

Haha i like it.

Great dub,it had some great voice acting and the script was funny as hell,"hump the floor with my shiny nails" haha priceless,keep the dubs coming. =)

DAGamesOfficial responds:

lol thanx man, ill make sure the next one is just as good :P or better!

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