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I am not too imformed of Dante's Inferno but regardless i liked this flash,the character design was good and the voice acting was fantastic and fit every character,the flash had it's funny moments too especially with Mario getting scared out of his shoes on a lot of parts,overall i thought you did a great job on this.


This was quite wicked and looked a whole lot better than your previous episode from an animation stand point i was also very fond of the gorilla and got a kick out of him and his antics,overall this was even stranger and funnier than your first episode tenfold and hope you keep on making more of this crazy series of yours.


This was so strange yet so funny,the fact that the grandma had a demon in her fat was crazy enough but the story that went along with it was even more tripped out especially the end which had me laughing my ass off,the voice acting was very impressive too and i couldn't get over grandma's voice which sounded like a character from South Park.

A true gem

This was so creative and funny,the thought of a real life Pac-Man movie is hilarous but to actually see a trailer for it flash style was fantastic and it's not like it was cheap either it had it's fair share of action and having all those other people in the video was a plus too,this was awesome and i'm glad i stumbled upon this. :)

Very nice.

I liked the fact that it had a variety of styles of animation some being pixelated some being hand drawn this is what i think at least from my point of view,the song that went with it was great and fit the flas has well and overall it was pretty tripped out and enjoyable,hope you win that competition of yours. =)

Tripped out

This was one tripped out acid like flash short,the character design was simple yet wicked with the way his head was melting and all that was going around him plus the music that went with it fit it to a tee,i enjoyed this a lot and kinda wished it was a little longer but i was satisfied with what i saw and thought you did a great job.

Fawx responds:

thank you sir.

Good for a first.

No offense but this was more of an airhead flash cause it had no plot and nothing humorous in it but somehow it was soothing and i did get a chuckle at the end saying to myself "What the hell did i just see" but not in a bad way but more in a mysterious way,none the less it was stil la very good first flash due to the solid character design and the song that went with it so keep on learning and improving and i wish you luck on your future flash projects.


Well everyone makes mistakes and at least you are honest enough to admit yours let alone make a flash showing every one you made which was funny as hell,i give you respect on that and it was really creative the way you pointed everything out plus the music was a good touch to it too.

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


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