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This Mickey parody was a whole lot better & funnier than the previous episode mainly due to the fact that there was more characters in this one but the plot and script was great and overall it had me laughing my ass off especially Goofy,nice job.

Not bad for a first flash.

I liked the text font but the text kept going too fast and i didn't get a chance to read some of it so you need to work on that but overall it was good for your first flash and i loved the song you added at the ending credits,keep on improving and good luck. :)

Very nice.

This was quite good,i really loved the smoothness of how it went and the music was catchy too,the animation was excellent as was this flash. =)

Jectoons responds:

Thanks a lot for the review, dude!

A silly parody.

This was pretty weird but also funny as hell especially the walrus giving a happy face instead of an angry face was a trip,nice parody man.

Funny stuff.

So silly this short was and for some reason it gave me a good laugh cause it was so blunt with the way it ended with B,great punchline Orange.

Not a bad parody.

The voice acting and sound quality had some issues but the character design was good for it's time,i didn't really care for this to be honest but it was still a decent parody of Eskimo Bob for it's time.

A great parody.

Though you aren't the original creator of Eskimo Bob i believe Toma would have made an Eskimo Bob flash just like this against Osama cause of how it went,i got a kick out of the fish missiles and overall i really liked this flash,great job.

Best episode yet.

I like the fact that it started out as a cameo of the old Gameboy Zelda game,this was a whole lot better than previous episodes due to the fact the framerate was a whole lot smoother and the quality of the flash overall was a lot clearer and looked better,i enjoyed the plot as i did the entire episode and i wish you would eventually submit all of your Eskimo Bob episodes so i as everyone else can watch them cause Eskimo Bob kicks ass back in 2001 and it looks like from this flash he is even better many years later.

toma responds:

thanks for the review. the rest of the episodes are still on eskimobob.com, i just don't really feel the need to upload 20 episodes worth of old content here when i'm working on new stuff. i will be uploading newer episodes though.

Great work.

A funny story told by the fish especially with the Santa bunny it had me laughing as much as the fish was,great Christmas edition of Eskimo Bob. :D

It was a trip.

This was more random than usual with Yuck and his crazy weapon of pickles and flying nose it all had me laughing good though Yuck did have a loud obnoxious voice but regardless it was still a good episode that had a great ending,nice job.

Age 36, Male

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