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Nice trailer

Though this Pico Day flash didn't look great animation wise it still had some epic feel to it with the music and the few scenes it did show so it's something to look out for in the future but anyways good luck on it man. =)

Intrapath responds:

Hey, thanks for the review! You are right about the animation, the intro part is actually the intro cutscene for the game, I was looking for that kinda "comic book" style animation. The graphics will be better in the final version though. Glad you enjoyed it!

Nice work

This was a cool little Pico Day flash you created about how Pico 15 years later after the school shooting attempted to break out of prision and i though the design for Pico looked creepy yet funny as hell with that beard,the music went well with the video and the animation was solid so overall you did a good job on your Pico Day flash.

Not bad

This was a pretty good Pico Day flash you created,the animation was alright and the voice acting was good though the flash itself was quite short and i didn't find it too funny either but thanks for contributing to Pico Day 2010 none the less.

SimpleStuff responds:

There was no voice acting, that was the song.

Something to really look forward to.

This looked fantastic and it was just a preview not even the actual demo,the layout looks great and the music was just badass also i got a good laugh seeing the line Steve said but other than that there isn't too much to say about this preview except i cannot wait and when do you estimate it's release or even the demo's release.

Snipper64 responds:

Well I am having some problem trying to get my programmer my art, I have a newer ver of flash, and he has a older one, so he can't open my files... However we are trying to get around this. I am also just got acepted to a college (im 18) and going there for web design and flash, (Up untill now, I been COMPLETELY self taught).

So basically I will work on it whenever I can. But also I will keep updating my profile here with sneek peeks of art, so keep looking if you want to see what I am up too.

Not the best but still good

Even though it's been the most used style for a Pico Day flash you still can't go wrong with a Pico Day flash having Pico & friends kicking ass throughout the whole flash,the animation was solid and the voice acting was great too plus it had a lot of good humor too.

swishcheese responds:

Thanks! Im glad you enjoyed.

Nice work

I don't believe i've ever seen a "replace Pico" flash though the idea has always went through my head of seeing a Pico flash such as this and you did a real good job on this Pico Day flash,the animation was good and the script was great as was the voice acting too so overall i enjoyed this and got a few good laughs from it.

Joeylicious responds:

Thanks :)
Did you know Pico means penis in 3 languages?

Great Pico Day short

This was a great Pico Day flash you made,the story with Pico finding all his friends dead then looking to get revenge on the NG team (or so we thought =P) was swell and though it was short it was real sweet in the end (no pun intended =P).

nicksoul responds:

thanks man i like this review

Quick and funny as hell

I must say that i got a real kick out of the design for Pico with him being a short,fat dorky kid with freckles,as for the rest of the flash which was quite short i got a good laugh at it when Pico took the crazy pills and tripped out then died,overall it was a great Pico Day quickie flash.

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


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