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It wasn't that great to be honest but it did have it's funny moments of weirdness but it was things like bad character design and annoying voices that you couldn't understand that flawed this flash so much so it had much improving needed but i still got a laugh out of it.


This was a good episode and had some improvements on it especially on the animation with the character design and backgrounds,the story is still going on strong and this episode had it's funny moments as well,hope episode five comes out soon and good luck with that. =)

It had it's moments.

The script was good and it had it's funny parts i especially liked when they had their flashbacks,nice job on this episode keep up the great work. :)

Improved a good deal

The character designs we're a lot better with the quality and the script was more interesting and had a lot more funny parts in this flash,i liked the episode of Stranded Gamers a whole lot better than the first episode.

Great for your first

I have to admit it did kind of annoy me the way they we're bickering to each other about who owns who in what type of game maybe it was the voice acting or maybe it was intended to do that i don't know but none the less it was still a good flash for your first though the character design needed some upgrades but of course you are gonna have some flaws on your first flash but you can learn from them cause this shows great promise.


First of all the fact that it's 20 minutes long and 20MBs in file size is insane and i haven't heard of such a thing so this is a record in my book,the animation was just as good as was the voice acting so no changes there,the whole series is coming along great and funny as hell,excellent job everyone that has been involved in this project.


Awesome Star Wars stick flash here,the animation was great and it stood true to the story and the action was quite enjoyable and fun to watch,nice job.

A good clock flash.

It wasn't hilarous but it was well made with the animation particularly the background,the script was also great and made this flash,overall it was quite enjoyable though it wasn't that funny which is pretty hard to do for a clock flash in my opinion.


Yeah it's pretty obvious that it's your first movie no offense but the animation was abysmal and most certainly needs a lot of work on but that doesn't take away the fact that i got a good laugh from this clock flash,the script was good & silly and at least it was a long flash too,a nice addition to a Clock Day but you really need to improve on your animation skills.


This was crazy as hell plus with a dose of randomness though the animation was bad i got a great laugh from this Clock flash with how the story was told and how it ended,great job.

Age 36, Male

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