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Nice improvements.

I'm happy to see that the window resolution is much bigger than before also the text boxes looked a lot nicer and though there was no button to skip through as you pleased it still left plenty of time to read what was said,i might have missed something but it's like some story was skipped between episode 4.1 and 5 cause it went straight from the desert back to Knuckles & the Master emerald,oh well this episode still was really good and looked better than ever on an animation stand point so keep up the great work. =)

Nice work.

First of all awesome new intro man,there was a lot of improvements with this episode the framerate seemed a lot smoother & quicker i also like the fact that you can go through the text as you please via the button though there we're a few typos in this episode but no big deal,it was nice to see Knuckles finally make an appearence in this episode and it provided some good depth in the storyline,as a whole the series got that much better on both a story & animation stand point with the episode,great job and keep it up. =)

Shi-Gu responds:

Thankyou very much! :D

Funny as hell

This was a hilarous episode with the Toofs being in the military and their funny accents,the script was great and overall i loved this episode of the TooF series. =)

Good stuff.

It got pretty interesting when Shadow came around but then got kinda confusing later after but i suppose that is later in the series that it will make sense,nice episode.

Shi-Gu responds:

Yeah, this episode is REALLY CONFUSING I must admit, and that wasn't the idea ^^; but well, it seems like people is starting to understand in later episodes, anyway, I was thinking of making a game about the first three episodes explaining MORE DETAILED the story and the confusing important stuff

Great job.

There was a lot of great action in this episode so it was a lot more entertaining than the first episode plus with the addition of Mario & Luigi with Sonic & Tails a lot more depth was added and made the series that more interesting also i'll add the fact that i like the idea of you using the Gameboy Advance sprite versions of the characters and as an episode overall i enjoyed it very much.

Shi-Gu responds:

Thankyou very much, yeah, this one has more action but also a lot of errors like the flying koopas XD

A nice start.

First of all it had a great intro i loved the Doom remix song,as for the start of the series it dragged out a bit but there we're a lot of great series to have a slow start,the little bit of action that was in it was a nice indicator of things to come,the series shows promise from this first episode.

Shi-Gu responds:

Thankyou very much, if you wanna see improvement in the series you can watch episode 8, it's a whole new level XD

Another great episode.

The concept of the flash was really silly with the old man dating a rock but it had a lot of funny moments and the script was great,keep up the great work on this funny little series of yours cause you keep getting better and better. =)

Getting so much better by the episode.

This was a great episode,it had a lot more funny moments in it and it was a good 4 1/2 minutes long,animation was very nice and the script was creative,keep up the great work man. =)

Vastly improved.

It was great to see it look like an actual cartoon this time instead of a little short flash with this episode having a cool little intro and the length of the flash,it had a lot of funny moments and the animation looked a lot better with the quality and smooth framerate,overall those 3 weeks paid off cause this has turned out to become a great series.

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


Joined on 9/16/02

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