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Very nice.

This was an awesome "Zombeh" flash from you Edd mainly cause it had a whole lot of action in it along with some funny moments to go with it,the animation was great but didn't look quite as good as it did on your Zombeh trilogy,the script was great & creative and overall i enjoyed this flash very much.

Loved this final episode.

I liked the fact that you did the previous two episodes in a nutshell with the first scene so those who haven't seen the previous two episodes knew what was going on somewhat,as for this third installment the animation looked better than ever and this was probably the funniest episode out of the three with the creative hilarous script and also i got a real kick out of the Grim Reaper in the beginning and the scene when Edd & Tom went to attack the zombies was very entertaining,i loved this trilogy and you did a fantastic job on it. =)

Excellent sequel.

This was even better than your previous "Zombeh Attack" flash mainly due to the character designs looked a whole lot better as did the rest of the animation,it had a lot more funny scenes as well along with some cool action scenes so it had great variety,you did an excellent job on this.

Nice start

It's cool to see a little side series from you Edd and honestly it went a long way from you being a good flash artist to an elite one in my opinion cause of the better character designs and more creative scripts & scenes,i got a lot of laughs from this flash and it was overall very enjoyable.

A nice start

This looked pretty good,the framerate had a good pace and it had some nice effects to it,the sound was great in both SFX & music but the way it ended was kind of senseless having the cliffhanger after the credits instead of before so that people will know that it's a series and will continue,honestly the only problem i had with this flash was there wasn't enough action during the race between Sonic & Mario so come up with some neat ideas for the next one to make it more entertaining and then it was become fantastic,best of luck to you man. =)


Swell flash with a lot of crazy moments,the animation didn't have great detail to it but it had great fast paced style to it so it fit the concept of the flash which was complete random nonsense,i enjoyed this a lot and it's just something to sit down drink a Red Bull and go crazy for,excellent job.

Wakman111 responds:

interesting fact:
Most of these moves are inside jokes...including the name of the flash
so of course it may seem a bit random :D

What a trip.

This was too funny with the way it started featuring "Face Cat" instead of "Cat Face" which looked really good,then the original came and had a lot of funny moments especially with the old lady & the banana with the human head and the ending message was also really funny,silly Cat Face does it again. ^_^

You need a TV contract.

This was hilarous,the animation was fantastic and the concept of the flash was outstanding with the main character messing up every sexual moment by misinterpreting it,the voice acting was perfect and the end was random but funny as hell,keep on making these outstanding hilarous flashes Harry. =D

Random as all hell

This was hilarous,it featured two of the best JoeCartoon characters ever made in the gerbil & the fly and the song was funny as hell but the end with the potato had me in tears with laughter,excellent job Joe this is probably the craziest most funniest flash i've seen from you.

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


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