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This was very short but not too good with the punchline cause i didn't find it that funny though you did run out of time to make this after all so i'll give you the benefit of the doubt with this Lock Day flash short cause it wasn't totally bad since there was some animation to it plus a slightly funny line,next time try to be on time with your Lock Day flash.

It was so-so

Well i did get a slight laugh from this Lock Day flash but it wasn't that good really with the Lock making a bad flash for Lock Day then realizing it wasn't good enough maybe it just had a bad punchline,nice try though.

Well said

This flash had a lot of good points on how so many groups here at Newgrounds such as the Kitty Krew spam up the portal and give the original two in the Clocks & Locks a bad name and this Lock flash said it very well,this was a nice contribution for Lock Day 2007.

Nice way to improvise

This was good for a last minute Lock Day flash,the framerate was pretty impressive on how quick it looked also i like how it was a short loop.


I must say having the "Bananas in Pajamas" song is funny as hell alone cause i haven't heard that in so long and it just hit me with major shock value,as for the animation it wasn't that good with the lack of quality & detail so really the one good thing i found from this was the shock value of the song so at least i got a laugh from it.

Looked good but wasn't funny.

First of all i got a kick out of the loading screen,as for the flash itself it was very short and the joke wasn't that funny at least to me but it was animated very well so at least there is some good in this Lock short. =)

Not bad

I'm happy to hear that you made a flash dedicated to your sister's birthday so that's a nice cause,the animation could use better detail and quality but the sounds & voicing was done very well plus there was some pretty funny moments too,overall this wasn't a great flash but it was for a nice cause so kudos go to you for that. =)


This wasn't too good,it didn't have any humor to it and there just wasn't anything that impressed or entertained me with it honestly it looked like an unfinished Lock flash that didn't have much effort put into it to start with,next time try to put some more effort in your flash and at least finish it even if it's only 30 seconds long.

MushroomLock responds:

lol tbh I didn't even want to submit this, but I had no Lockday flash and Spitty insisted I put up this little inside joke. Thus why I stuck his name on it.. If it's gonna drive my average down he can take a hit too. XD

Not great but not terrible either.

This was just silly,i found it pretty funny having a Clock/Lock voice singing the "What What in the butt" song plus all the random pictures was funny too (other then the pictures of animals screwing,that was just nasty),overall this wasn't a great Lock flash but it was a decent one.

A swell quickie.

This was a nice,quick contribution for Lock Day 2008,it was random & silly but at least it had good voice acting and a funny end also it was pretty impressive for it being only 88KB.

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