
1,478 Audio Reviews

493 w/ Responses

Good & simple

This was a nice little remix but nothing too special about it cause it sounded more like an upgraded song of the Megaman 3 title screen so not too much originality there but overall it a good song to listen to it just lacked creativity in my opinion.

You did a fantastic job on this.

This was truly an outstanding song plain and simple forget about the fact that it's a remix of a Zelda song but this song you made was just awesome,it had a lot of mixes in style from rock to techno to trance and i thought the voice overs throughout was a great fit such as Midna,Link,Ganondorf & even Navi so overall this 4 minute wonder was very creative and i loved it a lot.

VGSongbird responds:

Thank you. That means a lot coming from such a high ranking Newgrounds User ^_^


I never would have thought a Numa Numa remix would have been done Game Boy style but it sounded very good and went along with the traditional beat of the original but with some added sound effects that went very well with the song,overall i enjoyed this little remix of yours very much.

Sweet remix

Granted the "Special Stage" theme wasn't my favorite theme on the Sonic games at least compared to the rest of the great themes those games had to offer but i did like it very much as i did this remix,it stayed true the theme with a good amount of trance like differences plus i'm happy to see that it was 3 1/2 minutes long,overall you did a great job on this remix. =)

Jamming theme here

This does sound like one hell of a theme for a final battle on an RPG game with the rock theme with a side of classical to go with it,glad to see it was original as well and not just a remix from another song so kudos for that and overall it was a great song to listen to.

Thank you.

I am so happy that you made this outstanding remix of my favorite song on Donkey Kong Country 2 in "Bramble Scramble",it had great build up for the first minute & 30 seconds and then it sounded very sweet throughout the rest of the way with the high pitched noise going with the background theme it all fit very well and you my good sir deserve a 10 for this great remix you made.


This was a peaceful song to listen to,i loved the soothing melody it had and i could kick back and listen to this over and over while relaxing,nice job.


I would have never thought the Air Man theme from Megaman 2 would have lyrics but to my surprise here it is and it was great,the lryics were creative and went very well with the remixed theme of Air Man so overall everything fit into place to make a great song.

Great job

Sweet Tetris remix here,i loved the build up of it on the first 40 seconds and then went to traditional Tetris theme but with a few twists that gave me a nice dizzy feeling,there was many different beats throughout the song but overall it stayed consistently good and enjoyable to listen to.

I liked it.

It started skeptical with the blandness but not long after it sped up to make it an awesome remix,nothing about it makes it really stand out from the other remixes but you did a great job none the less. =)

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


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