
1,478 Audio Reviews

493 w/ Responses


This was a pretty solid 8-bit track you made,i liked the sketchy sound effects it had with the other uplifting sound effects which was a cool little mix plus the quality was good as well,overall you did a nice job on this little song of yours and i think it would go very well with a game,keep up the good work.

Cebster responds:

Well thank you.


This was quite the creative song you made,i love how you mixed 8-bit style with metal style and made it work oh so well plus the quality was great and overall this was just a badass song and i enjoyed it very much,keep up the great work. =)


This was a nice little remix of the Final Fantasy 7 boss theme you did,the style really didn't fit the bill in my opinion with it's softness but it's always nice to experiment and overall this wasn't a total flop but just not my cup of tea but just cause i didn't care for it doesn't mean it was a bad song you still did a good job on it and i'm sure others love it so keep up the good work.


This was an outstanding collab of remixes from the Megaman series,the quality was fantastic and i was quite surprised to hear such a list of remixes wrapped up into one track,overall i think you did an outstanding job on this and it's a must get if you love video game remix music period.

Great job

This was a thrashin remix of Blast Hornet's theme from Megaman X3,i loved the electric guitar and the quality was great too plus every sound effect fit perfectly and in sync with the original theme,overall you did a great job on this remix.

Nicely done

This was a very nice remix of the Windmill theme from Zelda,it was going at a much slower pace yet it sounded more beautiful with the instruments that were used and the quality was really good too,overall you did a nice job on this remix.

Good job

You must got a talent for creating music under the influence cause this was really good,there wasn't too much bass or volume to it but for something simple yet in a fast pace this was really good so i wouldn't mind hearing more of your drunk work. =P

Good stuff

This was a pretty cool song you made though i think it was more thrash/trance than rock but none the less it sounded good and overall you did a swell job on it.

Great job

This was a really nice remix of the Kakariko Village theme from Zelda,i loved the instruments that were used to make it sound like an updated version of the original song and the quality was great,overall you did a very good job on this remix and i enjoyed it. =)

dariunas responds:

Hey, thanks for taking the time to review. It was exactly as you said; a gently instrumental update. I really wanted to develop it a bit more, but decided to work on another original track in the Zelda vein which you can find here if you liked the style.

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/321607

Age 36, Male

R & J Produce


Joined on 9/16/02

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