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Funniest episode yet.

By every episode it gets funnier & better,i really got a kick out of the penguin scene and their character designs looked really good,keep up the great work man i hope you come out with more episodes soon enough.

Darkar responds:

Thank you!!! :)


The plot was great and funny as hell especially the end,this is an awesome series man keep up the great work. =D

Darkar responds:

I will! Thanks! :P


That was ridiculously funny with the way he kept calling everyone bitches and being all happy about it,i must say even for it being spanish and i can't understand it the voice acting did sound very good and fit the flash well,great job.

Darkar responds:

Thanks! :)

Very nice

With it being in spanish i wasn't too sure i would like this flash but thanks to the english subtitles it was great,the animation looked very good and the framerate was quick & smooth but the best feature about the flash i think was the script cause there was some funny stuff going on,nice job. =)

Darkar responds:

Thank you! :)

Very nice

The artwork looked even better than the first episode which is pretty amazing,the plot was great and funny along with just as great voice acting as the first episode,keep up the amazing work cause i am really loving this series you got going on here.

hoim responds:

Thanks. We've had some nice responses about the series and are pretty excited to finish the 3rd and get it up asap! :)

The last sequel i expected to see.

Wow i never expected to see a sequel to your "Vegeta vs. Sonic" flash way back in 2002 which was one of the first flashes i ever saw,this didn't disappoint to much but considering the standards of today i could see how there can be some negative views on it but as a veteran here i apprciate it and actually got a kick out of this flash especially the end where Vegeta's corpse just landed on Goku so bluntly,funny stuff man glad to see you still submitting flash after all this time.

Rikimaru-Azlar responds:

Hey Molotov, your' review was fine reading. Very useful stuff man, still got a few projects on the line but i hear you, we need to improve and compete more.

Glad you got a kick out of it.

p.s. I dig your user logo!

Not bad

It had it's moments of humor and the script was solid,the different backgrounds we're pretty nice i liked the nuke scene,overall i got a laugh or two from it and i thought it was a pretty good clock flash.

OctopusClock responds:

hey there, thanks!

Sweet Clock flash

I just love Strawberry Clock's carefree silly personality especially in this flash and he actually got to live his dream and drive in this flash which was a great & funny scene plus there was a good selection of songs throughout the flash,i think this is a great start to what looks to be an excellent Clock flash series so keep up the great work! =D

KyuubiT responds:

Thank you ^.^ this isn't the first official time sbc has driven but its one of 2 times in the history. Sbc has a definite personality over the years different clocks have helped shape it. my vision of the King is Blissfully ignorant, narcissistic, carefree, and belligerently, belligerent. but he is my king and i do love him thanks for your wonderful review dude!

~ModdedPC Clock~

Amen brother

I totally agree with what Leaf Lock said in his short yet sweet speech about this silly April Fool's joke of Newgrounds,great message my good man and kudos for the Team America song at the end.

LeafLock responds:

viva la resistance!


This was so silly i really loved it,the animation was great as was the voice acting and the plot was great with it snowing then a big meteor shower,the series has a great charisma to it and i hope episode five comes out soon enough.

Pixmintro responds:

Thanks, happy to say the next episode should be out during the summer. :)

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